Working in the garden...
gives me a profound
feeling of inner peace.
Ruth Stout 1884 - 1980
American author, gardener

The Leech Street gardens 2010 -

Early 2012 view of Leech StreetAn starting/startling view of the blank palette

With its original modest yellow house built after the Second World War that I bought in 2010 from the estate of my neighbor Lorraine.

Traditional Garden Gate

The traditional gabled-roofed garden gate or munamon /棟門 was installed in 2014 and frames the moon viewing pavilion. Both were fabricated by Phil Holtegaard of Lanesboro. The original modest yellow house is in background

On Sunday, June 8 2014 the gate was celebrated with over 100 of our friends, neighbors and family with Mu-Daiko, a professional Japanese Taiko drumming group based in Saint Paul. It was a magical evening.


moon viewing pavilion 高台寺観月台/Moon viewing pavilion

The design for the moon viewing pavilion 高台寺観月台/ Kangetsudai began later 2015, Phil Holtegaard fabricatedmy it in the Japanese style similar to the gate.

See the pavilion neighborhood construction crew in process.

Schmidt Brewery Bench

This bench is constructed from salvaged materials by Phil Gagné, the last brew master of the historic (1855-2002) Schmidt Brewery. Tank cradles form the sides; butcher block plank the seat. A series of cradles held the ruh (aging) tank that held 1000 barrels in W7 (cellar). Amazing piece constructed from Phil's imagination and archival pieces of the Schmidt Brewing history of the West End of Saint Paul, Minnesota..

Curtis Ingvoldstad - carver

Horace originated from a 27" Chinese elm stump taken down two years ago, and was carved by Curtis Ingvoldstad who is seen above at the unveiling.


Just prior to the celebration, we had Horace the Falcon carved and installed.

"Horus" is an Egyptian deity--late Predynastic period through to Greco-Roman times. "Sokol", the Czech work for falcon, represents my affiliation with Sokol Minnesota (1882) and the international Czech fitness society founded in 1862.



Horace's "egg"

is a sculpture by Marty Hicks



House style/history | renovate 1980 | renovate 1990 | renovate 2000| renovate 2010 |
Garden house | Goodrich Gardens | Leech Gardens | Robie House


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Header photo compliments of Christopher Touzelet, France.