Working in the garden...
gives me a profound
feeling of inner peace.
Ruth Stout 1884 - 1980
American author, gardener
The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration
of the five senses.
Hanna Rion 1875—1924,
English author

Gardening is cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes.
Gardens are a form of autobiography.
Sydney Eddison,
Horticulture magazine,
August/September 1993

In the garden there are no hours--only seasons
Joe Landsberger

The (sculpture) gardens of Goodrich Avenue and Leech Street,
as well as the North High Bridge Park

West End Neighbors' Garden Tour 2015 of Saint Paul

My residential gardens on Goodrich Avenue and Leech Street have been featured on several garden tours including the West End neighborhood garden and history tours in West Seventh Street of Saint Paul. i have researched and written the histories as the origin story of Fort Road/West Seventh Street, the Township/City of Saint Paul, and the Territory/State of Minnesota.

My Website, aginggardens.com, contains images of perennials (by date/month!), as well as ground covers, shrubs, trees, houseplants, and "installations" that represent over 40 years of gardening. Individual entries are pictured from COVID Year 2020, with common and botanical names. They are thriving in Zone 4 in a somewhat sheltered environment, perhaps even Zone 5. They are presented for you to consider as some are quite unusual, perhaps not found at your local garden center.

KARE 11, Belinda Jensen, backyard weather

On June 24, 2011 my Gardens were featured on Channel 11 KARE News at 5 and 6 p.m. Belinda Jensen interviewed me and Steve about the gardens, as well as the local community and its history.

Back when I first bought the house in 1979 the property offered great promise, situated on a point on the bluff. Now only the giant hackberry tree stands from that time, but joined by much hardscape and innumerable plantings.

Over time the gardens have taken on a life of their own.  One friend said that my plants don't bother to put down their roots since they know they'll just be moved anyway. ;-{)



Marble backsplash from drinking fountain
of Central High School,
Saint Paul, MN 

back yard

I think that if ever a mortal
heard the voice of God
it would be in a garden
at the cool of the day.

F. Frankfort Moore, A Garden of Peace

eastern deck

1920's cast iron fireplace grate




Oribe Lantern

First produced in the Momyana period by warlord Furuta Oribe, oribe lanterns are among the oldest Japanese garden lanterns known. The stone lantern is a classic representation of a "planted" style for they do not have a base at the bottom. The oribe lantern has a carved Buddha at the base of the lantern and often thought to be a praying missionary, thus sometimes it is referred to as the "Christian" lantern

Oribe lantern in snow on Goodrich

Miyoshi Lantern

Myoishi lantern

The name "Miyoshi" is carved in the face of this elegant granite lantern. This is a classic ikekomi-gata (buried) style Japanese lantern. The lantern has two window openings, one on the front and one in the back. Small moon shaped windows grace the other two sides. Each year, despite night illumination, a bird attempts to build its nest out of twigs.

Residence and gardens
Aging Gardens Diary | Goodrich Gardens | Leech Gardens | Moon viewing pavilion | Pavillion debut | Garaage & Gardenhouse | House history | North High Bridge Park Sculpture Garden


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Header photo compliments of Christopher Touzelet, France.